Wednesday, February 2, 2011

What's Next for Billy Blue and His Friends?

Billy, Rosie, Ty, and Pat have just learned that their homes and possessions are different.  Now they will learn to appreciate the physical abilities and limitations of one another.  Rosie Red will soon have a birthday.  She wants to invite all of her friends to a swimming party in her front yard.  Do you think this is a good idea?

Be on the lookout for the next book in the Billy Blue the Caribou series--Rosie Red the Hammerhead.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Welcome to the blog of Billy Blue the Caribou!

Billy Blue the Caribou is a children's book with the heart of a social story*. It subtly illustrates what psychologists call ''theory of mind," i.e. the notion that individuals perceive and interpret ideas according to their unique frames of reference. Join Billy Blue and his friends for a day of fun and surprises at the park. Soon they find that learning about one another can be the most fun of all!


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* The words "Social Story" and "Social Stories", and their uncapitalized variants, are trademarks originated and owned by Carol Gray.